Add HTML tags to Hugo Pages

So I wanted to add a few features to this site but in order to do so I found the easiest way was to directly embed HTML tags into the page. The only problem was Hugo will naturally ignore any HTML in posts/pages unless you do the following: Add a shortcode to your site It’s simple enough, just add a shortcode template in layouts/shortcodes/rawhtml.html with the following content: <!-- raw html --> {{....

A Quick Wget Tutorial to Download Everything

So let’s say you want to download a link from a website, or maybe two links, heck maybe you want the whole site and everything in it. In that case wget is your friend. I’m going to assume if you found this page you already can figure out how to download/install wget. So let’s start with the basics. To download a single file: wget Multiple files? Just add a space between them...

September 13, 2024 · Brent

Getting All Known Links From Wayback Machine

Ever wanted to see everything the WayBack Machine from the internet archive has on a domain? Here you go: Just give it the url you want it to search for and if you DO want it to include subdomains add True at the end. python3 true <—with subdomains python3 <—without subdomains It’ll save the results in a nice little json file in the same directory. import requests import sys import json def waybackurls(host, with_subs): if with_subs: url = 'http://web....

September 11, 2024 · Brent